Why You Should Feed Raw Dog Food
Fundamentally, dogs remain remarkably similar to the Grey Wolf. They have evolved to eat a primarily carnivorous diet and thrive when fed a combination of lean muscle meat, organ meat, bone, and vegetable matter. Known as a raw diet, this offers a number of scientifically proven health benefits including improved digestion, reduced inflammation, and better coat and skin condition. Pet and working dog owners also often comment on how transitioning to a raw diet is accompanied by increased energy levels, healthier bowel function, and a reduction in bad breath.
Why Rawgeous?
We source the highest quality human-grade ingredients from trusted butchers so that pet and working dog owners can provide their animals with the healthiest and most nutritionally appropriate meals possible.
We're also hot on testing, we test all batches for Salmonella and other nasties.
Finally, we want to do our bit for the environment, so only ever use 100% recyclable packaging.
Our 3 T's Process

All Rawgeous ingredients are batch coded using our unique and approved coding system to the approved factory/farm of origin guaranteeing traceability from farm to bowl.

Our approved testing regime means that every production batch is tested in an approved independent laboratory, prior to selling. This ensures zero salmonella and minimal bacterial counts.

We employ a food safety management agency 'HACCP' consultant to work with the Department of Agriculture to ensure best practice , guaranteeing you meats, vegetables, seaweeds and oils from Irelands leading manufacturers.